COERR Mae Sot supported the Volunteer Groups that gathered to clean up the community areas along the waterway that pass through Ban Mae La Temporary Shelter in Tak Province’s Tha Song Yang District, to prevent the garbage to flow to the stream.
The campaign activity was aimed to raise awareness of the community to learn and understand that it is necessary to keep the stream clean by no litter, no throwing garbage or waste that may flow into the stream and then continue to flow to the river.
The overall purpose was to make their community a healthy place to live in. The campaign had 120 youth of 50 female and 70 male participating in campaign and cleanup activities on May 15, 2020.

COERR Kanchanaburi Organized Volunteer Group of 14 youth volunteers consisting of 9 female and 6 male who gathered and helped each other in cleaning up the stream nearby COERR Social Service Center in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter in Kanchanaburi’s Sangkhlaburi District, on May 23, 2020.
The activity enabled youth to build unity among them and to use teamwork as a model of success in rendering community service.
